
Move to 7.5

Move dkim to rspamd and adjust a bit for next release, also kill the redundant rspam usage in the mda setup of smtpd.conf

upgrade to 7.2

New Year

Add LICENSE file

sync to 7.0

sync to 6.9, added example SNI and warning about sendscore

Add new versions, update some limits and disable old ciphers

Update playbook to the current smtpd changes

Missing files on my last commit and also fix warning on ssl protocols for Dovecot

Sync with 6.5 fix some little things Thanks Mulander (

Sync with 6.5 fix some little things Thanks Mulander (

Sync with 6.5 fix some little things

Add a file for whitelisting IPs or domains, so we can be sure to get those emails

switch mda_with_aliases -> mda_with_virtuals so we keep all in virtual, no system users

tdm is on fire. dkim out is in. Thanks!

Missing one, thanks tdm!

Making smtpd.conf great again, with the new syntax, while here I added an example for people like me, with neomutt running on the same mailserver as a mail client, making the login over lo0 possible. Super Hipster right? Fuck you GMAIL.

No debug enable by default

Add ,,group: vmail'' to /var/sieve to play nice with dovecot

initial ansible-role-mailserver