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blob + ba5dc1f214d59543dfd947176373a93f4c9d9467 (mode 644)
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+Ansible role for a httpd(8) with SSL
+Ansible role to create a web server with httpd(8) on OpenBSD (>=6.1) and let's encrypt.
+OpenBSD >=6.1 -{release,stable,current}
+You need to run this after the playbook:
+# acme-client -vAD
+To renew the certs a cronjob must be placed:
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]
+ /etc/rc.d/httpd reload
+We asume that, you already have an entry on pf.conf like:
+pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 80
+pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 443
+Or if your web server is behind the firewall, you need something like:
+pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 80 \
+ rdr-to port 80
+pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 443 \
+ rdr-to port 443
+And also you already have a DNS entry for your domain.
+Example Playbook
+- hosts: test
+ roles:
+ - role: gonzalo-.httpd-ssl
+ become: yes
+ become_method: doas
+ vars:
+ domain: ''
+ alias: ''
+ httpd_conf: '/etc/httpd'
+ www_dir: '/var/www/sites'
+Author Information
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blob + 791d4a5101de2d18addaa8694ce1513edeb8cae6 (mode 644)
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+++ defaults/main.yml
+# defaults file for httpd-ssl
\ No newline at end of file
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blob + 9d0a5de928c331f08428dc09ec2f0c1fe3ec0c3b (mode 644)
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+++ handlers/main.yml
+# handlers file for httpd-ssl
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ meta/main.yml
+ author: gonzalo-
+ description: Role to setup httpd server with ssl on OpenBSD.
+ license: BSD
+ min_ansible_version: 1.9
+ galaxy_tags:
+ - openbsd
+ - httpd
+ - ssl
+ - tls
+ - acme-client
+ - letsencrypt
+ platforms:
+ - name: OpenBSD
+ versions:
+ - 6.1
+ dependencies: []
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+++ tasks/main.yml
+- file:
+ path: "{{ httpd_conf }}"
+ state: directory
+- file:
+ path: "/var/www/{{ vhosts_dir }}"
+ state: directory
+ owner: root
+ group: daemon
+- file:
+ path: "/var/www/{{ vhosts_dir }}/{{ domain }}"
+ state: directory
+ owner: root
+ group: daemon
+- blockinfile: |
+ dest=/etc/acme-client.conf backup=yes
+ content="domain {{ domain }} {
+ alternative names { {{ alias }} }
+ domain key "/etc/ssl/private/{{ domain }}.key"
+ domain certificate "/etc/ssl/{{ domain }}.crt"
+ domain full chain certificate "/etc/ssl/{{ domain }}.fullchain.pem"
+ sign with letsencrypt
+ }"
+ insertafter=EOF
+- template: src=httpd.conf.j2 dest="/etc/httpd.conf" owner="root" group="wheel" mode="0644"
+- template: src=site.conf.j2 dest="/etc/httpd/{{ domain }}.conf" owner="root" group="wheel" mode="0644"
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+++ templates/httpd.conf.j2
+types { include "/usr/share/misc/mime.types" }
+## Sites
+include "{{ httpd_conf }}/{{ domain }}.conf"
+## Default
+server "default" {
+ listen on $ext_addr port 80
+ listen on $ext_addr port 443
+ alias match "%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+"
+ alias match "%w*::*"
+ log { access "default-access.log", error "default-error.log" }
+ ## PHP-FPM
+ #location "*.php" {
+ # fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock"
+ #}
+ ##
+ block
+ root "/htdocs"
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+++ templates/site.conf.j2
+## {{ domain }} - HTTP
+server "{{ domain }}" {
+ alias "{{ alias }}"
+ listen on $ext_addr port 80
+ ## acme-client
+ location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
+ root "/acme"
+ root strip 2
+ }
+ ## rdr from http -> https
+ #location "/*" { block return 301 "https://$SERVER_NAME$REQUEST_URI" }
+ root "{{ vhosts_dir }}/{{ domain }}"
+## {{ domain }} - HTTPS
+server "{{ domain }}" {
+ alias "{{ alias }}"
+ listen on $ext_addr tls port 443
+ tls {
+ certificate "/etc/ssl/{{ domain }}.fullchain.pem"
+ key "/etc/ssl/private/{{ domain }}.key"
+ }
+ log { access "{{ domain }}-access.log", error "{{ domain }}-error.log" }
+ #location "*.php" {
+ # fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock"
+ #}
+ directory { index index.html }
+ root "{{ vhosts_dir }}/{{ domain }}"
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+++ tests/inventory
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blob + b8ccf87de7d5da29f745ef58254336172175609f (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/test.yml
+- hosts: localhost
+ gather_facts: true
+ become: True
+ become_method: doas
+ roles:
+ - httpd-ssl
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blob + 3182b31bc64066dc07887e8a11daa05def063796 (mode 644)
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+++ vars/main.yml
+# vars file for httpd-ssl
\ No newline at end of file